10 Best Mental Health Books For Women

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We all must agree, it’s hard to be a woman. If you are a woman you will reciprocate with me even more now, right? In our busy schedule, we always search and thrive for something to keep us away from chaotic moments. Waking up daily, starting another day, and constantly thriving for the same success or trying to keep the success maintained, life goes on and the cycle keeps on repeating. We have made a list of the 10 amazing mental health books for every women.

The daily effort it takes to appear normal is so great that the energy left for else is very less. We do this even when our memories crowd all our other thoughts. According to Sageclinic, it is currently estimated that 1 in 5 women has a mental health diagnosis. Depression is the most commonly diagnosed mental illness in women, with twice as many women experiencing depression than men. So, if your life is also the same what can you do? Just pause, sit down and read books. Research carried out in 2009 showed that reading books can be extremely helpful for mental health.

This is always something for everyone, whether you’re struggling with anxiety, burnout, grief, trauma, anger, mental health issues at work, or something else. Here in this article, we will look into some really helpful and great mental health books for women that every woman must read once in their life.

10 Mental Health Books For Women You Must Read

We, women, tend to ignore our pain, difficulties, and trauma which lefts no place for our self-improvement and it takes real effort, and real concentration to tether ourselves to this current life. This directly affects our mental health. No one will disagree with it. All we need is someone like a friend who reciprocates what we feel and gives us the best advice. and for it, who can be more of use than books?

Given below are some great MUST-READ-ONCE mental health books for women

1. Mastery of Love

The Mastery of Love

Author: Don Miguel Ruiz

“Happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love. When you are aware that no one else can make you happy, and that happiness is the result of your love, this becomes the greatest mastery of the Toltecs: the Mastery of Love”

Mastery of Love, A practical guide to relationships, is a book all about fear-based beliefs, shrewd stories about life, the reason we hunt for love from others, ways to heal emotional wounds, recover freedom, how to finally accept and forgive ourselves, and others, and the most important how to love yourself. Once read, this book cannot be put down.

Everyone is constantly looking for love in others, despite the fact that no one is capable of giving it. The author, Don Miguel Ruiz, attempts to make the case that although we already possess love, we are unable to recognize it. He explains difficult concepts in an approachable way, without employing any confusing parables, disseminating the wisdom found in many different religions.

Why should I read this book?

  • If I am someone finding it hard to love yourself
  • If I want to increase my self-esteem
  • If I don’t want the negative effect of people in my thoughts


“In the tradition of Castaneda, Ruiz distills essential Toltec wisdom, expressing with clarity and impeccability what it means for men and women to live as peaceful warriors in the modern world.” — Dan Millman, author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Price: $13.27

Where to buy?

Amazon. Also, read on Goodreads.

2. Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly

Author: Brené Brown

“Nothing has transformed my life more than realizing that it’s a waste of time to evaluate my worthiness by weighing the reaction of the people in the stands.”

“Numb the dark and you numb the light.”

What is vulnerability? What does being vulnerable mean to you? Through many years of research, Ms. Brené Brown‘s book takes a hard look at what vulnerability is, why we’re so afraid of it, what keeps us from allowing it (shame) and how it affects men and women differently. Brown also covers how people can take daring greatly into education, work, parenting, and society at large. Similarly, She backs up her conclusions with research data, numbers, anecdotes, and helpful insights into her own life. 

Being a woman is difficult when you live in such a paradoxical society filled with people trying to shame you and make you vulnerable. Daring Greatly is a book that not only gives a different outlook on vulnerability but also provides a new understanding of what it means to engage with our vulnerability, understands how shame and shaming others affect us, and how to combat the same. Take some time and read these amazing mental health books for women.

Why should I read this book?

If I am having trouble dealing with the questions like:

  • What should I do when my vulnerability leads to pain?
  • How do I not get criticized and feel hurt?
  • How do I gain the courage to speak up?


“In an age of constant pressure to conform and pretend, Daring Greatly offers a compelling alternative: transform your life by being who you really are. Embrace the courage to be vulnerable. Dare to read this book!”Chris Guillebeau, author of The $100 Startup

Price: $13.99

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple books. Also, read on Goodreads.

3. You Are A Badass

You are a Badass

Author: Jen Sincero

“You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.”


Like the name suggests, written by Jen Sincero, You Are A Badass is a New York bestseller, a straightforward and to-the-point book. To approach life with assurance and banish doubt can be difficult. But You Are A Badass offers specific illustrations, methods, and suggestions for doing precisely that. It has so many brilliant concepts that it really spoke to many women on both a personal and professional level.

The idea of the law of attraction, self-awareness, self-love, self courage is so deeply and beautifully explained in this book, that it will surely compel you to keep it down once and rethink your life.


“If touchy-feely self-help tomes make you feel, shall we say, less than inspired, this no-nonsense manifesto to awesomeness might be just what you’re looking for. Filled with blunt and sassy advice, do-it-yourself exercises in personal transformation, and a whole lot of hilarity, You Are a Badass will silence your inner critic, and help you build a life worthy of the kind of Facebook news feed that others envy. Take a day off from looking for your inner goddess, and spend some time cultivating your outer badass instead.”Bustle.com

Why should I read this book?

  • If I need a friend who doesn’t hold back but isn’t rude in offering their straight-up opinion.
  • If I want to be grateful, mindful, and live in the present moment
  • If I want to be honest and persuasive
  • If I have any mental barriers that are holding me back from achieving my goals

Price: $15.23 (for hardcover)

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple books. Also, read on Goodreads.

4. Atomic Habits

Atomic habits

Author: James Clear

“The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity. It’s one thing to say I’m the type of person who wants this. It’s something very different to say I’m the type of person who is this.”

Atomic Habits is a book on habits, as the title suggests. How to create strong ones and destroy weak ones. You might be wondering how a book about habits could be so well-read. Because James Clear demonstrates that creating new habits can be enjoyable and simple. It’s not as tedious or monotonous as you may imagine. Additionally, by making these minor adjustments every day, you are positioning yourself to accomplish spectacular outcomes eventually.

But why exactly are habits necessary in the first place? Success, in the words of James Clear, “is the result of daily practices.” Through each and every chapter you will learn how human behavior and psychology have a massive impact on the ability of every woman to achieve their goals while enjoying the journey.


“A supremely practical and useful book. James Clear distills the most fundamental information about habit formation, so you can accomplish more by focusing on less.”Mark Manson, #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • Make time for a new habit
  • Overcome a lack of motivation and willpower
  • Get back on track when I fall off course

Price: $13.66

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple books. Also, read on Goodreads.

You might also like- Here Is How Self Care Will Improve Your Mental Health

5. Feeding The Soul (Because It’s My Business)

Feeding the soul

Author: Tabitha Brown

“The more you understand how worthy you are, the more likely you’ll find your strength again.”

“Sometimes as we grow, we will inevitably shed some folk naturally from our lives. But losing them isn’t going to stunt your growth. Nope, not one single bit. You’re going to keep growing.”

“Feeding your soul should be your business”. Although released in 2022, This book has everything you need and things you didn’t even realize you needed. You will laugh, cry, and make it your mission to get your life together and in order because Tabitha came bearing all the gems and mic drops.

In addition, Tabitha Brown discusses how each person’s journey is unique and how, if you stick with it, perform the work that God is calling you to do, and don’t give up, your goals will be realized. Reading this book really feels like sitting in the kitchen and having a conversation with a friend, being a woman you will reciprocate it greatly.


“Brown sandwiches pep talks and vegan recipes between anecdotes of a spiritual and at times supernatural ilk. . . . She treats every life experience as an opportunity to share a lesson learned . . . always bolstered by the same authentic, sincere joy that has made her a hit on TikTok.” — Time

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • Find my own way of joy, love, and freedom
  • follow my heart and thrive truly when times are hard

Price: $16.9

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple Books, Harper Collins. Also, read on Goodreads.

6. The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

mental health books for women
mental health books for women

Author: Bessel Van Der Kolk

“The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves.”

“As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself…The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.”

Trauma is a common occurrence. One in five Americans have experienced molestation; one in four people grew up around alcoholics, and one in three couples have physically abused one another. Veterans and their families also suffer from the devastating effects of combat. These encounters invariably leave their mark on our minds, emotions, and even biology. Tragically, trauma survivors frequently let their partners and kids feel their stress.

Bessel van der Kolk, a renowned trauma expert, has spent more than three decades dealing with survivors. He revolutionizes our knowledge of severe stress in The Body Keeps the Score by demonstrating how it literally rewires some parts of the brain, including those responsible for pleasure, engagement, control, and trust. He illustrates how cutting-edge therapies like neurofeedback, mindfulness practices, and play can reawaken these areas.


“The trauma caused by childhood neglect, sexual or domestic abuse and war wreaks havoc in our bodies, says Bessel van der Kolk in The Body Keeps the Score. . . . Van der Kolk draws on thirty years of experience to argue powerfully that trauma is one of the West’s most urgent public health issues. . . . Packed with science and human stories, the book is an intense read. . . . [T]he struggle and resilience of his patients is very moving.”Shaoni BhattacharyaNew Scientist

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • Open up about the trauma I have faced in childhood, or while growing up
  • Be brave and face my trigger warnings

Price: $14.99

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple Books. Also, Read on GoodReads

7. The Self-Confidence Workbook

mental health books for women
mental health books for women

Author:  Barbara G. Markway and Celia Ampel

“Actions come before feelings”.

“True self-confidence is part courage, part competence, with a healthy dose of self-compassion mixed in.”

Self-confidence begins with knowing yourself. Throughout their life, women face the fear of practicing acceptance and self-compassion to have low self-confidence in everything they do.  The Self Confidence Workbook by Barbara G. Markway and Celia Ampel offers practical, accessible strategies to get to know your best self and see real-world results.

This contemporary workbook is fully equipped with everything you need! With a friendly, approachable tone, it covers a wide range of subjects, techniques, and resources. It is current with examples, scenarios (such as social media and negative news burnout), and names of other empowering people in the area in all kinds of media and book formats. It also offers step-by-step, genuine, relevant action methods. If you are someone busy in your life and having a hard time managing your thoughts, you surely should read this once.


“In The Self-Confidence Workbook, Barbara Markway and Celia Ampel provide a map for building true confidence based on self-awareness, presence, and our inherent strength. This book is for anyone who thinks confidence could never be available to them.”Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D., Psychologist and author of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • Bring out the best of ME
  • Have and build self-confidence in my relationships, work, and health

Price: $12.90

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple Books. Also, read on GoodReads.

8. Burnout: The Secret To Unlocking The Stress Cycle

mental health books for women
mental health books for women

Author: Amelia Nagoski

“What are the benefits of continuing? What are the benefits of stopping? What are the costs of continuing? What are the costs of stopping?”

‘BURNOUT’. Many women go through it. Women work themselves to death attempting to bridge the gap between what is expected of them and what it really means to be a woman in today’s world. When every publication offers 10 diet suggestions for achieving “your best self,” how can you claim to “love your body”? If you are currently giving 110 percent at work but aren’t getting any credit for it, how can you “lean in”? In a sexist environment where you’re constantly being told you’re too overweight, needy, noisy, and selfish, how can you live happily and healthily?

All women will find something transforming in this book written by Amelia Nagoski and will be empowered to bring about good change, with the support of eye-opening science, prescriptive counsel, and useful activities. The broad generalizations of pricey self-care or the insistence that we strive for the ideal of “having it all” are not what Emily and Amelia are here to promote. Instead, they reassure us that we are perfect as we are and that true wholeness is attainable.


Burnout is the gold standard of self-help books, delivering cutting-edge science with energy, empathy, and wit. The authors know exactly what’s going on inside your frazzled brain and body, and exactly what you can do to fix it. . . . Truly life-changing.”Sarah KnightNew York Times bestselling author of Calm the F*ck Down

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • make my way through life and shovel the shit that comes with it
  • Tackle gender discrimination, racial discrimination
  • Find the meaning in life
  • Pause and relax



Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple Books. Also, read on GoodReads.

9. The Untethered Soul: The journey beyond yourself

mental health books for women
mental health books for women

Author: Michael Alan Singer

“Do not let anything that happens in life be important enough that you’re willing to close your heart over it.”

“We are constantly trying to hold it all together. If you really want to see why you do things, then don’t do them and see what happens.”

How would it feel to be unconstrained and to fly above your limitations? What could you do every day to find tranquility and inner peace? These questions are addressed in The Untethered Soul, a current New York Times bestseller, in a straightforward yet deep manner. This book will alter the way you interact with both yourself and the outside world, regardless of whether this is your initial foray into inner space or you have dedicated your entire life to the inward trip.

You’ll learn how you can take steps to stop the repetitive thoughts and feelings that are limiting your consciousness. This book will transform your relationship with yourself. If you are looking for something spiritual to read, this book by Michael Alan Singer is one of the perfect mental health books for any women to start right now.


The Untethered Soul is indeed one of the finest treatments of the nature and practice of the conscious use of consciousness that I have ever read…. It is the clearest statement I know of who we are and what we face in our emerging humanity.”- Jean Houston, philosopher, psychologist, and author of A Mythic Life and Passion for the Possible

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • free me from the habitual thoughts and emotions that limit my consciousness
  • dwell in the present moment and let go of past thoughts

Price: $14.13

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple Books. Also, read on Goodreads.

10. It Didn’t Start With You

mental health books for women
mental health books for women

Author: Mark Wolynn

“By developing a relationship with the painful parts of ourselves—parts we have often inherited from our family—we have an opportunity to shift them. Qualities like cruelty can become the source of our kindness; our judgments can forge the foundation of our compassion.”

It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How To End The Cycle, is a groundbreaking approach to transforming traumatic legacies passed down in families over generations. When you are born as a woman or girl, you are automatically subjected to denied rights, forced to marry, and wreaked to violence. Even if the voices are heard, they are undervalued. Whether it be among society or family. The traumas you face can be because of others straining you or about others themselves. It no necessarily needs to include you.

Memory and sentiments can persist even if the individual who experienced the initial tragedy has passed away or the tale has been suppressed or forgotten. These emotional legacies play a much bigger impact on our physical and mental well-being than has ever been recognized. They are frequently concealed and imprinted in anything from gene expression to everyday language. So, to all the women who have gone through such family traumas in their life, this book is a perfect pick for you.

Through this book, Mark Wolynn not only has stated the methodologies of treatment for this, but he also has brought histories into your consciousness so that you can LET THEM GO. No doubt this is one of the best mental health books for women.


“This groundbreaking book offers a clear understanding of inherited trauma and fresh, powerful tools for relieving its suffering. Mark Wolynn is a wise and trustworthy guide on the journey toward healing.” Tara Brach, Ph.D., author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge

Why should I read this book?

If I want to:

  • Dig into the generational trauma and break its cycle
  • Love me more

Price: $25.49 (Hardcover)

Where to buy?

Amazon, Apple books. Also, read on Goodreads.

In Conclusion Of Mental Health Books For Women

At the end of the day, all that matters, all that we search for is happiness. But, Not all of us are happy. In everyone’s life there are times when the pressure to achieve happiness almost feels so oppressive as if happiness is something that everyone should contain and that if you are not able to achieve it, it’s your fault. But, remember it’s not. You can be more, do more, and experience more. Try to take things lightly. Throw away your baggage and go forward. Read books, meditate and have faith in yourself. Nevertheless, I hope you loved the mental health books for women listed above and will read them once. Do give it a try, maybe.

Enjoy Reading!!!

Also, read- 15 ways to improve mental health at work
