Anger Management: 10 Strategies to Stay Calm

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: ५ मिनेट

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Listen, folks! Keeping your anger in line can be quite a challenging task. If you don’t want to hurt people around you verbally or physically, use these simpler anger management strategies. Go through the end!

Although Anger is a normal and instinctive reaction to danger, some levels of anger are essential for our survival. However, it becomes an issue when you struggle to control it and say or do regrettable things as a result. Similarly to that, it turns out to be harmful and can cause issues with your life’s overall quality, your relationships with others, and your job. Therefore, it’s crucial to control your anger promptly to avoid regret. A therapeutic approach for the prevention and management of anger is known as anger management.

Is anger worth it?

Anger might indeed make you feel like you’re at the whim of a volatile and powerful feeling. but whatever the case is, the main question is, is anger worth it? Some studies show that some adults get angry 15 times a day, and the fun fact this is just an AVERAGE. No matter just how much we feel it, anger is a normal and inevitable feeling.

It’s not always harmful. It occasionally has the power to improve your mood and produce favorable outcomes. Therefore, technically, anger can result in self-change. However, this does not imply that we should always be angry. There ought to be a restriction on it.

Anger management strategies

Given the damaging effects of anger, it’s critical to find constructive ways to manage it.

Here are some methods for controlling your anger that you might find helpful. Let’s look at it!


Want to hear a magic trick?

Whenever you feel like you’re getting angry try to take a deep breath, relax and count to 5. Do this and you’ll find the result to be mind-blowing. You can even try repeating words such as “relax”, and “calm down” to yourself. Practice this technique daily and use them when you’re tense.

Use humor

In many instances, “silly humor” can help diffuse anger. One benefit is that it might enable you to gain a more impartial viewpoint. Think about what that word might seem like before you call someone a nickname or refer in an irrational way. Avoid being sarcastic, though. It might make some people feel bad.


Listening and communicating effectively are the hardest but most basic anger management techniques. When you listen well and clear things out on time there are fewer chances of you being into any sort of conflict. Listen to what the other person is saying. Don’t act on impulse.

Think before you speak

When you speak before you have thought, you frequently say the incorrect thing at the incorrect times. In addition to being embarrassing, putting your feet in your mouth can harm relationships or prospects, like a job interview. Think about how other individuals might feel. Words do indeed have power. Deliberately consider your words before speaking.


Try to avoid things that trigger your anger. Noone better than you know you. You know you better. So, you should also know what things or actions, or words make you angry. Avoid it as much as possible. This helps to make you deal with many hard situations that you face calmly.

Reactions matter

It is absolutely normal to be defensive when someone criticizes you. But, don’t ever think of fighting back. Instead, pay attention to the message that lies beneath the words—that this individual can feel abandoned and unloved. Don’t let your anger—or your partner’s—allow a conversation to spiral out of control. It might involve a lot of careful probing on your part and it might require some breathing space. Keeping your composure will help you avoid a bad outcome.

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Try to change your environment

Are you angry because of the environment near you? Is it because of some noise? Some people even get angry when they are confined in a place. So, if you’re one of those, figure out what kind of environment you like most. It can be either your garden or your room or even your workspace. But don’t be stuck in the same environment all the time. Try to change it frequently too.


Meditating to control anger

Studies have shown that people doing meditation are less likely to get angry and impulsive. They are calm and they know how to control their impulses effectively. It even helps to balance your stress. Take a slow, smooth breath. Count in each exhale and inhale from 1 to 10 and then again go back to one. You should try this out.


Even feelings of comprehension, empathy, and sympathy for the person who injured you might arise after you have forgiven them. Forgiveness does not entail forgetting or dismissing the hurt that was done to you or reconciling with the offender. You can move on with life more easily when you are able to forgive. You become happy and less angry and furious as a result.

Eat and sleep well

Research suggests that having a healthy and balanced diet directly affects your mental state as well as your actions and behaviors. People with healthy diets are more likely to feel less aggressive. Moreover, good sleep helps to decrease depression and other aggressive behaviors.

What if nothing’s helping?

Yes, there are some cases were not of anger management techniques work. Guys, if this is the case, you need to get help. You need someone who will listen to you out and make recommendations. You must do this if you truly want to make yourself calm down and relax.

Everyone can listen to your problem, but only a select few—known as psychologists—can provide you with the right solutions. Without injuring you, they assist you in changing your behavior and way of thinking.


Being angry is completely normal and it is a part of our life. But if you feel like you are angry and are impacting the people around you and your relationships with them, then try those techniques mentioned above. Whatever makes you angry, the most important thing is how you deal with it.


Are there any types of anger?

Yes, there are three types of anger: Passive aggression, Open aggression, and assertive anger.

Is anger felt all of sudden?

No, it is not. There are stages of anger. Trigger, Escalation, Crisis, Recovery, and Depression come under it.

What are the things that result in anger?

Some of the contributing emotions to making people angry might include fear, sadness, or even disappointment.

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