Healthy and effective practices to boost your oral health

पढ्न लाग्ने समय: ४ मिनेट

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Our oral health is a crucial part of our well-being and healthiness. No matter how good physical appearance may be, it goes in vain if oral health is not healthy. But many of us neglect the benefits of good oral health. 

From tooth decay to bad breathe, how can we prevent these issues? How often should we visit our dentist? If these are the questions on your mind, here are ten healthy practices to boost your oral health.



Sugary intake is a poor practice for your teeth. When you take sugary foods, the bacteria present in your teeth use the sugar to produce an acidic substance to destroy the enamel of the teeth. 

Enamel is the outermost layer of a tooth that protects the tooth from bacterial attack. So, limiting that sugary intake is crucial.



There’s no doubt that the key to healthy oral health is brushing your teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day. But many of us skip brushing teeth at night time. 

Nighttime brushing is equally important as in daytime. It removes small particles from your mouth that prevents building up plaque in between your teeth. 

 But when plaque is left unattended it turns into tartar. It is removed only through professional help. And that might cost more depending upon the situation. So it is important for you to brush your teeth regularly. (


Your oral health is incomplete without flossing. Flossing is the use of a thin thread-like structure to clean between teeth. It helps to remove plaque and food particles.

Our toothbrushes cannot reach some part of our teeth, and flossing helps to take those particles out of your teeth.



Toothpaste containing fluoride helps in well-built teeth and protects them from bacterial attacks. Fluoride exists in many foods that we consume. However, it is not strong enough to protect you from bacterial attacks on your teeth.

So, fluoride-rich toothpaste is crucial for better oral hygiene.

Mouth wash with fluoride acts on two salient aspects of oral hygiene. First is the preservation of teeth from bacterial attack, and second is bad breath.

Fluoride mouth wash will also help in remineralizing the teeth to maintain their integrity.



Chewing gum helps the production of saliva in the mouth. And the production of saliva helps to maintain the mineral inside the oral cavity.

 Similarly, a decrease in saliva flow in the mouth causes dry mouth and bad breath. Chewing gum for twenty minutes increases the flow and reduction in tooth decay and bad breath.


Water intake is crucial for a healthy oral cavity. It helps to maintain the moisture inside the mouth. And it also helps to clean the mouth.

When your mouth is dirty, plague is easily formed leading to a yellowish appearance. But when it is clean and hydrated it cannot be formed.

Also, water is full of minerals, and staying hydrated helps in maintaining the mineralization of the teeth, especially the enamel. Because enamel has more minerals than bone. 



Regardless of not having any dental issues, it is advised to visit at least once every six months. Although it depends upon the needs and conditions, timely visits have several advantages.

Regular cleaning of the mouth prevents tooth decay and bath breathe. Similarly, a timely visit allows your dentist to inform you of any teeth-related issues.

So, make sure you visit your dentist routinely.


The most forgotten part of good oral hygiene is the tongue. You cannot maintain good oral hygiene without a clean tongue. 

The tongue can hold up different bacteria that exist inside your mouth. And that is why tongue hygiene is crucially necessary.

So, how can you keep your tongue clean? While brushing your teeth you can brush your tongue with a small amount of toothpaste. Make sure you do not brush rigorously with force. 

Doing so helps to reduce the odor from the tongue. 


Our oral health is a crucial part of our health. Without healthy oral hygiene, we cannot function properly and effectively. Although it is crucial to maintain the health status of our mouth, most of us are unaware of its significance of it. Even the smallest and most effective habit creates a difference in one’s oral health. Some of the important measures include: brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride-rich toothpaste, mouthwash, flossing, reducing sugary intake, and maintaining hydration. And including these steps in your daily life will not only enhance your teeth’ health. But it will also ensure you do not spend a heavy amount for its treatment.



